class MySqlAttribute | MySqlAttribute represents an attribute that can be sent with a MySQL query. |
class MySqlAttributeCollection | MySqlAttributeCollection represents a collection of query attributes that can be added to a MySqlCommand . |
class MySqlBatch | MySqlBatch implements the new ADO.NET batching API. It is currently experimental and may change in the future. |
class MySqlBatchCommand | |
class MySqlBatchCommandCollection | |
class MySqlBulkCopy | MySqlBulkCopy lets you efficiently load a MySQL Server table with data from another source. It is similar to the SqlBulkCopy class for SQL Server. |
class MySqlBulkCopyColumnMapping | Use MySqlBulkCopyColumnMapping to specify how to map columns in the source data to columns in the destination table when using MySqlBulkCopy . |
class MySqlBulkCopyResult | Represents the result of a MySqlBulkCopy operation. |
class MySqlBulkLoader | MySqlBulkLoader lets you efficiently load a MySQL Server Table with data from a CSV or TSV file or Stream. |
enum MySqlBulkLoaderConflictOption | |
enum MySqlBulkLoaderPriority | |
enum MySqlCertificateStoreLocation | |
class MySqlCommand | MySqlCommand represents a SQL statement or stored procedure name to execute against a MySQL database. |
class MySqlCommandBuilder | |
class MySqlConnection | MySqlConnection represents a connection to a MySQL database. |
enum MySqlConnectionProtocol | Specifies the type of connection to make to the server. |
class MySqlConnectionStringBuilder | MySqlConnectionStringBuilder allows you to construct a MySQL connection string by setting properties on the builder then reading the ConnectionString property. |
class MySqlConnectorFactory | An implementation of DbProviderFactory that creates MySqlConnector objects. |
class MySqlConversionException | MySqlConversionException is thrown when a MySQL value can’t be converted to another type. |
class MySqlDataAdapter | |
class MySqlDataReader | |
class MySqlDataSource | MySqlDataSource implements a MySQL data source which can be used to obtain open connections. |
class MySqlDataSourceBuilder | MySqlDataSourceBuilder provides an API for configuring and creating a MySqlDataSource , from which MySqlConnection objects can be obtained. |
struct MySqlDateTime | Represents a MySQL date/time value. This type can be used to store DATETIME values such as 0000-00-00 that can be stored in MySQL (when AllowZeroDateTime is true) but can’t be stored in a DateTime value. |
enum MySqlDateTimeKind | The DateTimeKind used when reading DateTime from the database. |
class MySqlDbColumn | |
enum MySqlDbType | |
struct MySqlDecimal | MySqlDecimal represents a MySQL DECIMAL value that is too large to fit in a .NET Decimal. |
class MySqlEndOfStreamException | |
class MySqlError | MySqlError represents an error or warning that occurred during the execution of a SQL statement. |
enum MySqlErrorCode | MySQL Server error codes. Taken from Server Error Codes and Messages. |
class MySqlException | MySqlException is thrown when MySQL Server returns an error code, or there is a communication error with the server. |
class MySqlGeometry | Represents MySQL’s internal GEOMETRY format: |
enum MySqlGuidFormat | Determines which column type (if any) should be read as a System.Guid . |
class MySqlHelper | |
class MySqlInfoMessageEventArgs | MySqlInfoMessageEventArgs contains the data supplied to the MySqlInfoMessageEventHandler event handler. |
delegate MySqlInfoMessageEventHandler | Defines the event handler for InfoMessage . |
enum MySqlLoadBalance | |
class MySqlParameter | |
class MySqlParameterCollection | |
class MySqlProtocolException | MySqlProtocolException is thrown when there is an internal protocol error communicating with MySQL Server. |
class MySqlProvidePasswordContext | Provides context for the ProvidePasswordCallback delegate. |
class MySqlRowsCopiedEventArgs | |
delegate MySqlRowsCopiedEventHandler | Represents the method that handles the MySqlRowsCopied event of a MySqlBulkCopy . |
class MySqlRowUpdatedEventArgs | |
delegate MySqlRowUpdatedEventHandler | |
class MySqlRowUpdatingEventArgs | |
delegate MySqlRowUpdatingEventHandler | |
enum MySqlServerRedirectionMode | Server redirection configuration. |
enum MySqlSslMode | SSL connection options. |
class MySqlTransaction | MySqlTransaction represents an in-progress transaction on a MySQL Server. |