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Tutorial: Connect to MySQL with Dapper using C#


Dapper is a popular “micro-ORM” for connecting to databases from .NET. It can be used with MySqlConnector to connect to MySQL and retrieve data. Here’s how to do it using C#.

1. Create Your Project

If you don’t already have a .NET project, create one using Visual Studio, or by running dotnet new console or dotnet new webapi at the command line.

2. Install NuGet Packages

You will need to install the following NuGet packages:

3. Build Your Connection String

Build your connection string by substituting the appropriate values in this template:


In an ASP.NET Core Web Application or Web API, store this connection string in appsettings.json:

  "ConnectionStrings": {

In a console application, you can store this in a constant string:

const string connectionString = "Server=YOURSERVER; User ID=YOURUSERID; Password=YOURPASSWORD; Database=YOURDATABASE";

4. Create Your Connection

In an ASP.NET Core Web Application or Web API, you can use dependency injection to create a connection in Program.cs:

builder.Services.AddTransient(x =>
  new MySqlConnection(builder.Configuration.GetConnectionString("Default")));

In a console application, you can create a connection in your Main method:

using var connection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString);

5. Query Your Database

You can now use Dapper to query your database by using the extension methods it adds on IDbConnection:

For ASP.NET Core with minimal APIs in .NET 7.0:

app.MapGet("/users/{userId}", (int userId, [FromServices] MySqlConnection connection) =>
    var users = connection.Query<string>("select user_name from users where user_id = @userId", new { userId });
    if (users.FirstOrDefault() is string userName)
        return Results.Ok(new { Name = userName });
        return Results.NotFound();

For a console application:

var userId = 1;
var users = connection.Query<string>("select user_name from users where user_id = @userId", new { userId });
Console.WriteLine($"Name: {users.FirstOrDefault()}");

6. Use More Dapper Features

To learn about more advanced Dapper features, such as list support and multi-mapping, see the Dapper documentation.