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MySqlDateTime constructor (1 of 3)

Initializes a new instance of MySqlDateTime from a DateTime.

public MySqlDateTime(DateTime dt)
dtThe DateTime whose values will be copied.

See Also

MySqlDateTime constructor (2 of 3)

Initializes a new instance of MySqlDateTime from another MySqlDateTime.

public MySqlDateTime(MySqlDateTime other)
otherThe MySqlDateTime whose values will be copied.

See Also

MySqlDateTime constructor (3 of 3)

Represents a MySQL date/time value. This type can be used to store DATETIME values such as 0000-00-00 that can be stored in MySQL (when AllowZeroDateTime is true) but can’t be stored in a DateTime value.

public MySqlDateTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, 
    int microsecond)
yearThe year.
monthThe (one-based) month.
dayThe (one-based) day of the month.
hourThe hour.
minuteThe minute.
secondThe second.
microsecondThe microsecond.

See Also