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MySqlTransaction class

MySqlTransaction represents an in-progress transaction on a MySQL Server.

public sealed class MySqlTransaction : DbTransaction

Public Members

Connection { get; }Gets the MySqlConnection that this transaction is associated with.
override IsolationLevel { get; }Gets the IsolationLevel of this transaction. This value is set from BeginTransaction or any other overload that specifies an IsolationLevel.
override Commit()Commits the database transaction.
override CommitAsync(…)Asynchronously commits the database transaction.
override DisposeAsync()Asynchronously releases any resources associated with this transaction. If it was not committed, it will be rolled back.
override Release(…)Removes the named transaction savepoint with the specified savepointName. No commit or rollback occurs.
override ReleaseAsync(…)Asynchronously removes the named transaction savepoint with the specified savepointName. No commit or rollback occurs.
override Rollback()Rolls back the database transaction.
override Rollback(…)Rolls back the current transaction to the savepoint with the specified savepointName without aborting the transaction.
override RollbackAsync(…)Asynchronously rolls back the database transaction. (2 methods)
override Save(…)Sets a named transaction savepoint with the specified savepointName. If the current transaction already has a savepoint with the same name, the old savepoint is deleted and a new one is set.
override SaveAsync(…)Asynchronously sets a named transaction savepoint with the specified savepointName. If the current transaction already has a savepoint with the same name, the old savepoint is deleted and a new one is set.

Protected Members

override DbConnection { get; }Gets the MySqlConnection that this transaction is associated with.
override Dispose(…)Releases any resources associated with this transaction. If it was not committed, it will be rolled back.

See Also