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MySqlConnectionStringBuilder class

MySqlConnectionStringBuilder allows you to construct a MySQL connection string by setting properties on the builder then reading the ConnectionString property.

public sealed class MySqlConnectionStringBuilder : DbConnectionStringBuilder

Public Members

MySqlConnectionStringBuilder()Initializes a new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder.
MySqlConnectionStringBuilder(…)Initializes a new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder with properties set from the specified connection string.
AllowLoadLocalInfile { get; set; }Allows the LOAD DATA LOCAL command to request files from the client.
AllowPublicKeyRetrieval { get; set; }Allows the client to automatically request the RSA public key from the server.
AllowUserVariables { get; set; }Allows user-defined variables (prefixed with @) to be used in SQL statements.
AllowZeroDateTime { get; set; }Returns DATETIME fields as MySqlDateTime objects instead of DateTime objects.
ApplicationName { get; set; }Sets the program_name connection attribute passed to MySQL Server.
AutoEnlist { get; set; }Automatically enlists this connection in any active TransactionScope.
CancellationTimeout { get; set; }The length of time (in seconds) to wait for a query to be canceled when CommandTimeout expires, or zero for no timeout.
CertificateFile { get; set; }The path to a certificate file in PKCS #12 (.pfx) format containing a bundled Certificate and Private Key used for mutual authentication.
CertificatePassword { get; set; }The password for the certificate specified using the CertificateFile option. Not required if the certificate file is not password protected.
CertificateStoreLocation { get; set; }Uses a certificate from the specified Certificate Store on the machine. The default value of None means the certificate store is not used; a value of CurrentUser or LocalMachine uses the specified store.
CertificateThumbprint { get; set; }Specifies which certificate should be used from the Certificate Store specified in CertificateStoreLocation. This option must be used to indicate which certificate in the store should be used for authentication.
CharacterSet { get; set; }Supported for backwards compatibility; MySqlConnector always uses utf8mb4.
ConnectionIdleTimeout { get; set; }The amount of time (in seconds) that a connection can remain idle in the pool.
ConnectionLifeTime { get; set; }The maximum lifetime (in seconds) for any connection, or 0 for no lifetime limit.
ConnectionProtocol { get; set; }The protocol to use to connect to the MySQL Server.
ConnectionReset { get; set; }Whether connections are reset when being retrieved from the pool.
ConnectionTimeout { get; set; }The length of time (in seconds) to wait for a connection to the server before terminating the attempt and generating an error. The default value is 15.
ConvertZeroDateTime { get; set; }Whether invalid DATETIME fields should be converted to MinValue.
Database { get; set; }(Optional) The case-sensitive name of the initial database to use. This may be required if the MySQL user account only has access rights to particular databases on the server.
DateTimeKind { get; set; }The DateTimeKind to use when deserializing DATETIME values.
DefaultCommandTimeout { get; set; }The length of time (in seconds) each command can execute before the query is cancelled on the server, or zero to disable timeouts.
DnsCheckInterval { get; set; }The number of seconds between checks for DNS changes, or 0 to disable periodic checks.
ForceSynchronous { get; set; }Forces all async methods to execute synchronously. This can be useful for debugging.
GuidFormat { get; set; }Determines which column type (if any) should be read as a Guid.
IgnoreCommandTransaction { get; set; }Does not check the Transaction property for validity when executing a command.
IgnorePrepare { get; set; }Ignores calls to Prepare and PrepareAsync.
InteractiveSession { get; set; }Instructs the MySQL server that this is an interactive session.
override Item { get; set; }Retrieves an option value by name.
Keepalive { get; set; }TCP Keepalive idle time (in seconds), or 0 to use OS defaults.
override Keys { get; }Returns an ICollection that contains the keys in the MySqlConnectionStringBuilder.
LoadBalance { get; set; }Specifies how load is distributed across backend servers.
MaximumPoolSize { get; set; }The maximum number of connections allowed in the pool.
MinimumPoolSize { get; set; }The minimum number of connections to leave in the pool if ConnectionIdleTimeout is reached.
NoBackslashEscapes { get; set; }Doesn’t escape backslashes in string parameters. For use with the NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES MySQL server mode.
OldGuids { get; set; }Use the GuidFormat property instead.
Password { get; set; }The password for the MySQL user.
PersistSecurityInfo { get; set; }If true, preserves security-sensitive information in the connection string retrieved from any open MySqlConnection.
Pipelining { get; set; }Enables query pipelining.
PipeName { get; set; }The name of the Windows named pipe to use to connect to the server. You must also set ConnectionProtocol to NamedPipe to used named pipes.
Pooling { get; set; }Enables connection pooling.
Port { get; set; }The TCP port on which MySQL Server is listening for connections.
Server { get; set; }The host name or network address of the MySQL Server to which to connect. Multiple hosts can be specified in a comma-delimited list.
ServerRedirectionMode { get; set; }Whether to use server redirection.
ServerRsaPublicKeyFile { get; set; }The path to a file containing the server’s RSA public key.
ServerSPN { get; set; }The server’s Service Principal Name (for auth_gssapi_client authentication).
SslCa { get; set; }The path to a CA certificate file in a PEM Encoded (.pem) format. This should be used with a value for the SslMode property of VerifyCA or VerifyFull to enable verification of a CA certificate that is not trusted by the operating system’s certificate store.
SslCert { get; set; }The path to the client’s SSL certificate file in PEM format. SslKey must also be specified, and CertificateFile should not be.
SslKey { get; set; }The path to the client’s SSL private key in PEM format. SslCert must also be specified, and CertificateFile should not be.
SslMode { get; set; }Whether to use SSL/TLS when connecting to the MySQL server.
TlsCipherSuites { get; set; }The TLS cipher suites which may be used during TLS negotiation. The default value (the empty string) allows the OS to determine the TLS cipher suites to use; this is the recommended setting.
TlsVersion { get; set; }The TLS versions which may be used during TLS negotiation, or empty to use OS defaults.
TreatTinyAsBoolean { get; set; }Returns TINYINT(1) fields as Boolean values.
UseAffectedRows { get; set; }Report changed rows instead of found rows.
UseCompression { get; set; }Compress packets sent to and from the server.
UserID { get; set; }The MySQL user ID.
UseXaTransactions { get; set; }Use XA transactions to implement TransactionScope distributed transactions.
override ContainsKey(…)Whether this MySqlConnectionStringBuilder contains a set option with the specified name.
override Remove(…)Removes the option with the specified name.

Protected Members

override GetProperties(…)Fills in propertyDescriptors with information about the available properties on this object.


See Connection String Options for more documentation on the options.

See Also